MOOCs are Massive Open Online Courses
While scholars, administrators, media, politicians, wall street & many others are involved in deep and philosophical discussions on the impact & value of Massive Open Online Courses - This site is not.
Our key objectives here are to provide both, a directory of tuition free states, and an easy to use central directory of existing Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and other free online courses available in K-12, Higher Education and Other areas for students, parents, teachers, counselors, tutors, military & their families, working adults, the unemployed, retirees, and others.
Regardless of your personal opinion on the value of these Massive Open Online Courses, the current reality for many low income, and underserved student populations in the US, and globally is that these free open courses from some of the world's leading experts is a partial win of the "Educational Access Lottery".
Partial because winning the full educational access lottery would require adding free high speed internet access, personalized MOOC learner experience, free online MOOC tutoring, secure free access to learner's MOOC course/skills portfolio, locally affordable MOOCs credentials/skills certification, transferable academic credit for their MOOCs, MOOC-related online internships with potential employers, and MOOC performance-based job placement opportunities with global industry partners.
With the help of site visitors like yourself, we hope to continue updating this directory with information on new global providers.
Other partner sites include:
Education: - Leading Search Portal for affordable US Community Colleges' Online Programs by US Community Colleges
Education: - Online Education Consumer Org: Educating students, families and other consumers on key questions to ask when purchasing Online Education so they do not fall pray to unethical recruiting/business practices, and get into Educational Mortgages that will put them and their families under unnecessary long-term Financial & Psychological stress.
eLearning: MOOCs.University