MOOCs Directory

MOOCs are Massive Open Online Courses

Directory of MOOC Providers by Market served & Free tuition Programs  by State


MOOC Providers in Alphabetical Order:

Part of News Corp. MOOC for AP Computer Science. A free, two-semester MOOC for anyone interested in learning programming, geared  specifically toward high school Advanced Placement students who are serious about  taking the AP Computer Science A Exam in Spring 2014. A complete curriculum, syllabus and all course materials developed and taught by a master  high school teacher will be free and available for the 2013–2014 school year.   MOOC Local Option for Schools:  Additional structure and support for high schools with students participating in the AP CS MOOC at $200 p/student.


Blended Schools Network MOOC - 
Blended Schools is a non-profit network of schools that have produced hundreds of online interactive lessons and full courses, and thousands of videos which are accessible for free from their BSNcloud and BSNtube repositories. In addition, to help districts and teachers deliver blended and online learning, Blended Schools has produced a series of MOOCs to help promote and build peer/support groups. -  MOOC registration for "Building Virtual School Programs using OER Repositories and MOOCs" - Focused on K 12 teachers. Course will share experiences/case studies and show you how your institution can build virtual school programs using OER repositories and MOOCs


Brown University - Brown has announced a free MOOC for K-12 "Exploring Engineering". For more detailed/timely information, please check the school's site directly. Currently, the course is offered thru: -  Are you considering a career in engineering? Are you fascinated by what engineers do? In this pre-college course, you will gain an understanding of the various fields of engineering and explore the engineering design process, from conceptual design and optimal choice evaluation to project construction and the need for engineering ethics. This introductory course is a recommended prerequisite for Brown University’s online pre-college courses focusing on specific engineering fields, including materials engineering, biomedical engineering, and renewable energy.  Students do not need to purchase any texts or materials for this course.


Cambridge University Press
Cambridge GCSE Computing Online
This MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) has been created by the Cambridge-based partnership of exam board OCR, Cambridge University Press (CUP) and the Raspberry Pi Foundation. The course is based on OCR’s GCSE Computing curriculum and gives participants an excellent opportunity to investigate how computers work, how they are used, and to develop computer programming and problem-solving skills. The course has been designed for 14-16 year olds; but is free and open to all, and can be used either as a course or a resource to support teachers.


Canvas Network 
Variety of K12 MOOCs for Students and Educators. Some are Free and others are paid. Featured below are some of the Free MOOCs:
College Foundations: Reading, Writing, and Math MOOC - This game-based course provides prospective students with a primer in college level reading, writing, and mathematics. Whether preparing to take a standardized placement test or simply improving readiness to handle college-level work, this course can help student build mastery and confidence.

Getting Started with MinecraftEDU MOOC - Minecraft has endless educational possibilities, but it can be really overwhelming to begin using it as an educational tool. This course is meant for new users of MinecraftEdu who would like to set up their server and plan their first two lessons using Minecraft.

Minecraft for Educators MOOC - This short programme of study will open up the world of Minecraft for use in education. It is a course for teachers who are wishing to gamify their learning experiences and deliver a unique pedagogy that will engage, enthuse, and keep learners coming back for more. The course will introduce you to Minecraft and MinecraftEDU, setting up your own server, Managing classes, creating context and subject specific materials and contain example lesson and curriculum plans for you to use. 


CEGEP a Distance 
At the occasion of the Association québécoise de pédagogie collégiale (AQPC) colloquium, Cégep à distance presented its first open online course, the new Cégep à distance ouvert web platform ( and a video on Un corps en équilibre, c’est vital! - Introduction à la biologie humaine (A body in balance is vital: Introduction to human biology). The course will be available at the end of August.  The MOOC is for high-school graduates who intend to study science or health techniques and want to assess their knowledge in this discipline. It is also ideal for CEGEP health sciences students who want to reinforce their learning. Finally, it is also open to anyone looking for a better understanding of the human body in order to make the best choices for their health.


College Foundations MOOC
College Foundations: Reading, Writing, and Math. This course provides prospective college students with a primer in college level reading, writing, and mathematics. Whether a student is preparing to take a standardized placement test, or simply wishing to determine and improve his or her readiness to handle college-level work, this course can help to build mastery and confidence. Students may choose to work at their own pace across all three subject areas, or to select individual content areas. Pretests will determine any learning deficits, which can then be mastered through self-paced learning modules. Not forgetting the importance of the human touch, this course is overseen by a trio of reading, writing, and mathematics professors who will be available to assist and encourage students along their journey to college readiness.


Coursera Professional Development for K-12 Teachers
Seven leading schools of education have joined this initiative, including the College of Education, University of Washington; Curry School of Education, University of Virginia; Johns Hopkins University School of Education; Match Education’s Sposato Graduate School of Education; Peabody College of Education and Human Development, Vanderbilt University; Relay Graduate School of Education; and University of California, Irvine Extension.

In addition, a new network of educational institutions and museums have joined K-12 offering, including the American Museum of Natural History; The Commonwealth Education Trust; Exploratorium; The Museum of Modern Art; and New Teacher Center. 

Initial Courses include:

• “Common Core in Action: Literacy Across Content Areas,” from the New Teacher Center

• “Teaching Character and Creating Positive Classroom,” from Relay Graduate School of Education

• “The Brain-Targeted Teaching Model for 21st Century Schools” taught by Mariale Hardiman of John Hopkins School of Education 

• “Effective Classroom Interactions: Supporting Young Children’s Development,” from UVA, taught by Bridget Hamre, Grace Funk, Allison Leach and Kathy Neesen

• “Tinkering Fundamentals: Integrating Making Activities into Your STEM Classroom,” from the Exploratorium 

• “Student Thinking at the Core,” taught by Barbara Stengel and Marcy Singer-Gabella of Vanderbilt University

• “Coaching Teachers: Promoting Changes that Stick,” taught by Orin Gutlerner of Match Education 

• Three science content focused courses for Educators taught by the American Museum of Natural History 

• Eight part series on the Foundations of Teaching for Learning aimed at teachers in the developing world taught by Commonwealth Education Trust 


Curriki, a nonprofit K-12 global community for teachers, students, and parents to create, share, and find free learning resources that enable true personalized learning. We believe free and equal access to the best curriculum materials is possible and Curriki is leading the way. - Resources & Curricula. All resources have been vetted and organized to better serve you and your students. These collections bring together the best:

Teacher-led and student-led, inquiry-based instruction
Assessment activities, projects, labs and interactive simulations
Materials include lessons, units, complete eTextbooks and complete courses
Supports include printable student materials, fiction and nonfiction ebooks, labs, projects, videos, interactive simulations, assessments, rubrics, and more

Deeper Learning MOOC (DLMOOC) - A free, flexible, nine-week online course that will allow K-16 educators to learn about how deeper learning can be put into practice. The MOOC is aimed at teachers, school leaders, and other educators interested in encouraging more deeper learning in their schools and classrooms. Although the course is aimed at school practitioners, others may benefit from the course as well, and we anticipate participation from people working on policy and in foundations involved with deeper learning pedagogy. We welcome students and parents to this MOOC as well.


DiscoveryK12 - Discovery K12 Is a free, online homeschoolplatform and curriculum for students from kindergarten through twelfth grade. Over 16,000 lessons are accessible through 7 standard courses: Language Arts, Reading/Literature, Math, Science, History/Social Studies, Visual/Performing Arts, and Physical Education. There is a weekly spelling program, and over 500 quizzes and tests that go with the curriculum. In addition to the lessons, there are over 100 classic literature e-books in the online library.


EdModo - Free and secure K-12 social learning platform. In their words: “Edmodo cultivates professional development by connecting teachers with similar interests and passions and by giving educators around the world a platform for collaboration”

European Union
European SchoolNet Academy - MOOCs for secondary teachers. European Schoolnet is the network of 30 European Ministries of Education, based in Brussels. As a not-for-profit organization, we aim to bring innovation in teaching and learning to our key stakeholders: Ministries of Education, schools, teachers, researchers, and industry partners.
Courses: - First two MOOCs on Science and Technology:
- Future Classroom Scenarios -  Aims to introduce teachers, headteachers and ICT coordinators in schools to concepts, tools, and exchanges about the future classroom. The course is designed in response to the increasing challenges faced by educators around the world to accommodate the rising importance of technology in education and the impact this has on teaching and learning.
- Innovative Practices for Engaging STEM Teaching - Aims to provide teachers, school counselors and career advisers with resources and ideas to increase pupils’ interest for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) subjects and careers. The course is designed in response to the worrying disengagement of young people from STEM subjects in school, and their decreasing interest in related careers.

Globaloria A K-12 MOOC platform for teaching young people how to design and code educational games and interactive simulations (web/mobile). Globaloria technology and content are designed to cultivate engagement in learning among students on a large scale. Globaloria provides a rigorous, turnkey, blended learning solution for STEM and computer science education, comprised of a customizable digital platform and comprehensive course offerings.

High Tech High - Two, free, MOOCs (Massive Online Open Courses). These MOOCs will focus on school creation and the implementation of deeper learning strategies. Both "New School Creation" and the "Deeper Learning MOOCs" are available for registration on December 1st, 2013.

Imagine K-12 -Imagine K12 supports companies creating products that help schools, teachers, parents and students improve educational outcomes. Located in Palo Alto, California, Imagine K12 runs a 3-month program for founders and hackers intent on changing the world. -Imagine K12 is designed to help founders take an idea from early stage to the point of being able to raise money from angel investors and traditional venture capitalists. For three months, founders come together in Palo Alto, California to work on their businesses - Application Process - List of companies supported to date 

Indiana University - School of Education
BOOC: Big Open Online Course (Max 500 students)
A free course in September focused on educators and titled "Assessment Practices, Principles and Policies" for as many as 500 students. BOOC to offer most of the advantages of a Massive Open Online Course, or MOOC, but with more interaction, while taking advantage of Google's new Coursebuilder course management system. "Google wants to know whether interactive online practices that are working well with 20 students can be scaled up,". Students who complete the BOOC will learn the practical skills needed to improve classroom student assessments while exploring assessment principles and new accountability policies.
Graduate-Level Credit Option: 
Students who wish to take the course for graduate-level credit will be able to do so by completing additional course requirements, including a term paper based on the weekly assignments. 

Kennesaw State University
KSU Online - MOOC - K-12 Blended & Online Learning.The course is designed to introduce K-12 teachers and the community to blended and online learning. MOOC willaddress foundational knowledge about trends in K-12 online learning, iNACOL standards,engaged learning strategies, assessment and differentiation in the online learning environment. Learning will be assessed using strategies aligned to knowledge and understanding.

Kent State University
Michigan Virtual University (MVU) - K-12 Teaching in the 21st Century. What does it mean to be a K-12 teacher in the 21st century? Within this simple question is a deeper study of the pedagogical strategies, contexts (online, face-to-face, and blended), and the technologies involved in reform oriented K-12 instruction. This experience will provide participants with a deeper understanding of MOOCs, along with an introduction to emerging and free technologies such as presentation media (e.g., Flickr), online artifact creation (e.g., Vialogues) and collaboration innovations (e.g., ThingLink). MOOC is directed at in-service teachers, pre-service teachers, and high school students interested in the teaching profession.

Khan Academy
Open Lessons -  Khan Academy is a non-profit, and its mission is to offer a free world-class education for anyone anywhere.  Its library of over 3200 videos covers K-12 math, science topics such as biology, chemistry, and physics, and even reaches into the humanities with playlists on finance and history. Each video is a digestible chunk, approximately 10 minutes long, and especially purposed for viewing on the computer.

Browse All Available Videos - 
Sign Up for free  -

LearnZillion - LearnZillion is a learning platform that combines video lessons, assessments, and progress reporting. Each lesson highlights a Common Core standard, starting with math in grades 3-9. Site offers thousands of high-quality Common Core resources created by a national community of teachers.

Lipscomb University
Teacher Preparation MOOCs - Lipscomb University and the College of Education’s Ayers Institute for Teacher Learning and Innovation is developing the university’s first free MOOCs (massive open online courses).  The 10 online courses are designed to prepare teachers for today’s classrooms, including implementing the Tennessee Academic Standards and engaging in best practices in planning, assessment and learning strategies.

The courses are being designed to be incorporated easily into teacher preparation programs in universities across the state or for teachers to complete the non-facilitated versions on their own

Mathematics MOOCs
Active Mathematics MOOCs targeted to Home Schooling Families or teachers at alternative schools.  MOOCs are Free and Self Paced.

Active Mathematics for Homeschooling Families (Introductory Course):

Basic Operations with Cuisenaire Rods: 

Both courses are also available in Spanish: 

MITOpenCourseWare - Highlights For High School - Highlights for High School features MIT OpenCourseWare materials that are most useful for high school students and teachers

MOOC - Ed: Massive Open Online Courses for EDUCATORS
The Friday Institute for Educational Innovation
North Carolina State University - School of Education 
MOOC-Eds are built on research-based models of effective professional development, professional learning communities, and online communities of practice. The courses focus on authentic, project-based learning, collaboration, and peer-supported learning, rather than tests and grades that are needed in other types of MOOCs. MOOC-Eds enable educators to experience using innovative technologies as learners and collaborators, which will help them gain insights into what these technologies can mean for students. 

MOOCs include: 

Coaching Digital Learning: Cultivating a Culture of Change, beginning Sept. 15, is a six-week course that will allow you to learn with colleagues from other schools, and districts to enhance digital learning content knowledge and further develop coaching strategies. You will deepen your understanding of what it takes to coach educators to integrate technology effectively; explore relevant frameworks, strategies, tools, and resources; and develop and share an Instructional Technology Coaching Action Plan to support their school or district's digital learning culture.

Fractions Foundations, beginning Sept. 22, is an eight-week course that will help you teach fractions concepts and skills more effectively by increasing understanding of students' thinking and implementing research-based approaches in the classroom. It will address rigorous curriculum standards for fractions, whether from the Common Core State Standards or from other up-to-date standards.

Disciplinary Literacy for Deeper Learning, beginning Sept. 29, is a six-week course that will explore digital literacy, which is the ability to understand and use a range of digital technologies, a critical skill for today’s classroom. This course is open to all educators in K-12 and postsecondary levels interested in learning more about disciplinary literacy for deeper learning. Additionally, this course provides an optional PLC Facilitation Guide to assist teams as they work through the MOOC-Ed together.

Learning Differences, beginning October 6, is a six-week course that will explore the question, what habits of mind and problem-solving tools should a teacher have in order to address all students’ learning differences? Information in this course will be job-embedded so that you can immediately apply solutions to their classrooms. You will be given the opportunity for ongoing development through an online community or in-person coaching with the partner organizations.

MyEducationKey - MyEducationKey is a virtual open access educational video lectures and content web portal for students, self-learners, and teachers. Our goal is to give online users the opportunity to learn from complete video courses and lectures from the world's renowned educational institutions, scholars, thinkers, and independent contributors. The high-quality video educational and learning content at MyEducationKey is aimed to help improve the quality of education, teaching and student learning experience at schools/colleges/universities, helping educators and self-learners alike


Owlas pone a disposición de cualquier interesado Cursos Online Masivos en Abierto (más conocidos como MOOC's) de forma gratuita a través de una plataforma abierta sin restricciones, sin condiciones, sin horarios, sin coste, SIN BARRERAS. La iniciativa la promovemos Telefónica Learning Services –compañía especializada en ofrecer soluciones integrales de aprendizaje online para la Educación y Formación- y Juan Medina, reconocido profesor ‎Profesor Titular de Universidad en Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena y autor de, un portal de referencia para el aprendizaje de las matemáticas.



Phoenix College
Flagship Community College of the Maricopa Community Colleges District - Established in 1920, Phoenix College is the flagship of the Maricopa Community Colleges, a district that ranks as one of the nation’s largest community college systems and the single largest provider of higher education and career training in Arizona. - The following two developmental math courses are being offered: Arithmetic /Pre-Algebra and Introductory Algebra. These courses are for Anyone wanting to review the math skills needed to be successful in college level mathematics. High school students preparing to enter college, Incoming students wanting to review their math skills before taking the math placement test

The College Board (Creators of the SAT) and Khan Academy MOOC Partnership to make comprehensive, best-in-class SAT PREP MATERIALS OPEN and FREE for ALL, not just the few who can afford to PAY.  FINALLY! and hopefully the rest of the National Test Organizations will follow lead and do the right thing in 2014. 

Schoology - An online and mobile application for classroom and education management. Schoology provides schools and districts with a configurable, scalable, and easy-to-implement solution, but also provides a basic version of its award-winning platform "free" for teachers. - Collaboration is a key part of Schoology. If you’ve got an idea for a tool that will enrich the Schoology experience, use their developer resources to bring it to life.

High School Challenge - - Hundreds of teams led by high school students are competing to complete as many Udacity courses as possible. High school students can still start their own teams by clicking the blue button at the top of the page found thru the link above.

Courses - - Current courses divided into Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced levels. Subject areas include statistics, physics, computer science, artificial intelligence, software testing, programming languages, cryptology, and others.

University of Miami Global Academy - Free Online Course. Prepare yourself for your college entrance exams by signing up today for the University of Miami Global Academy's open online course.  Our 3-week, 6 session course will cover material for the AP Exam in Calculus AB and BC.. Note: Not all their programs/courses are free, so check prior to signing up. -The University of Miami Global Academy's vision is to be the premier online high school, by delivering a student-centered, uniquely superior educational experience. Our online learning environment encourages exceptional critical thinking skills, develops curious minds, fosters ambition and leadership potential, and builds character focused on service to community and others.

University of Wisconsin - COLLEGE READINESS: University of Wisconsin Math System's MOOC. There are many groups who will be attracted to this course, and efforts will be made to reach out to each:

-High school students. The Wisconsin Early Mathematics Placement Tool (EMPT) is sponsored by the University of Wisconsin System, the Wisconsin Technical College System, and the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. This tool is designed to allow high school students to assess their current readiness to pursue math courses at the post secondary level. Thousands of students use this tool each year. 

-Students within the University System who are required to take remedial math courses to prepare for college credit bearing math and science courses.

-Individuals who have been away from formal instruction and who are interested in learning mathematics, possibly in preparation to enter or re-enter college or simply to improve their math skills to compete within the workforce. 

-Individuals intending to take a major gateway exam that has a math component (GRE, ACT, SAT, PPST, College Placement, etc.). 

There will be no enforced prerequisites 

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k-12 & teacher development

mooc providers